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Amigos del

Hogar Rafael Ayau

Queridos amigos,

Agradecemos a todos los que continúan apoyándonos.

¡Ustedes y sus familias están en nuestros pensamientos y oraciones!

Firma Mother Ines Ayau.jpg


Event: Icon Writing Workshop*

Dates: January 19-25, 2025

Place: Orthodox Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Guatemala, Central America

*This is a stay-in-on-site workshop. Check-in required by January 19 afternoon.


The Icon Writing Workshop will be in English given by the Russian master iconographers Tatiana Berestova and Dmitrii Berestov.

Come and join the enriching experience!

Ground-breaking News


Bravo UOMAC! 

On November 8, 2022, the Olga and Manuel Ayau Cordón University -UOMAC- "The Online University" received the "Professional and Business Excellence Award", which from 2007 to date has been delivered to companies and institutions in the Private Sector that stand out for a successful, ethical and constructive trajectory. Bravo UOMAC!


La FHRA es una organización benéfica que ayuda a los ex residentes del Orfanato Hogar Rafael Ayau y a otros niños y jóvenes guatemaltecos.

La FHRA también es reconocida como una organización benéfica líder en GUIDESTAR.

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